The City is currently spending $1 million to address life safety concerns from structural failure in the water bar floor, which is also the swimming pool ceiling, and foundation beams in the sub-basement. This south wing of the building is a conservation area, with high historic integrity.

The next phase of rehabilitation activities will include:

  • Complete the repair of the water bar that was dismantled to repair the structure failure of the floor and pool ceiling underneath;
  • Stabilize the tower;
  • Replace the center roof and hallway damage;
  • Shoring the front yard and study the solution to prevent the collapse of the front yard into the well room beneath;
  • Restore the east wing to a spa on the mezzanine level and museum on the first floor;
  • Restore the entrances to the building with ADA compliance.
Hall of Waters structural damage

Current repairs funded by the Excelsior Springs Capital Improvement Authority and the National Trust of Historic Preservation Saving America’s Treasurers grant include repair to the south wing solarium floor/swimming pool ceiling, pictured above.

Pictured below, immediate recommendations include repairs to the Hall of Waters lighted tower and shoring of the Siloam Spring well room beneath the courtyard.

Hall of Waters tower damage